Wednesday 11 February 2009


I've got Ben, my big boy, off school today with something yucky that seems to be doing the rounds. Quite enjoying his company although Pokemon on the TV is getting a little repetitive ( I know I should be stricter and have him in bed in a darkened room but........).

Anyway, we went to the docs earlier. Thought I should be diligent as this is his third day off. I want to blog about it because it was such a pleasant experience! The doctor in question was a stand in, and had just such a lovely manner with Ben.

I think it helped that Ben turned up in one of his dads Leeds United t shirts, a little over sized for him, but he loves it. It was a great conversation starter as it had to be lifted up for a very cold stethescope to be placed on Bens chest and back.

They chatted backwards and forwards about the new manager, how hopeless the team have been for a while, and how they actually won a game on Monday evening. Yes they really did, apparently! (not a big fan myself).

The doc was quite sympathetic with Ben until he asked him to lie down and lift his tshirt to expose his tummy. He's been complaining of tummy ache so this area was next for examination.

As soon as his tummy was touched Ben broke out into peals of laughter (Ben is most ticklish and often asks me to tickle him at home, aaaah bless!), at which point the doc said he couldn't take him seriously anymore and I should send him to school tomorrow - definitely!

That was music to my ears - no more daytime Pokemon!

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