Monday, 12 January 2009

Beasty quotes!

These have been collected over the years :

"Mummy I've got two woodlife in here " . Ben aged four.

"Benjy says I can go to his party as a dinosaur mummy, but I want to go as me". Lauren aged three.

" I've got budgies in my hair " (midges). Lauren aged three.

"Do you think the rabbits have laid any more babies ". Lauren aged three.

"I'll be quiet as a busy bee". Lauren aged three.

Nat says he makes "stuff 'n' frogs" out of his playdoh. Aged two.

"Poo - poo - potamus". Nat, aged two.

"I love you mices to pieces mum". Nat aged two.

Nat has lots of plastic frogs and takes them everywhere with him. He's named them dead mum, dead dad, and Freddie Helen!

Ben trying to get to sleep aged five, I suggested he counts tigers (he's animal mad). "Mummy I can't get to sleep tonight, I can't find the right channel with animals on it in my head".

Ben making friends, whilst carrying a bucket on the beach in Majorca " Hi, I've got crabs". What a chat up line!

"Hairy bulls " (highland cows). Ben aged four.

Ben aged two and a half found a dead crab on the beach in Cornwall. "We need to call the police daddy!".


  1. Hi there Ruth!
    Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for your comment which in turn led me to your blog which I have to say I love.
    There's so much joy to take in our children and it's wonderful to read your pride in them and what they bring to your life.
    Reading what you have written makes me realise how much I miss that time in my life now that I have teenagers.
    They don't need me so much ...maybe that's why I'm behaving so badly.
    Keep writing - I shall keep reading!

  2. Hi Selina,
    Thankyou so much for your lovely comment, I agree of course that children are a joy.
    Maybe you just need something for you right now, and that's just where you're at!
    I've just read a fab book which you may enjoy called Feel The Fear ... and do it anyway, by Susan Jeffers.
    ps. I have another blog (keeps me busy) find it at
